Consumer Electronics

UX LEAD | APR 2012 - MAY 2013

Create a UI for connecting, managing and playing torrent files on your TV. The content which comes from torrent files has little info or no metadata available to display.
Consumer Electronics - 10' UI flow
Create a usable and visually elegant design for the 10’ UI. The first release would just be for torrented content. The second release was to include user channels and support for mobile devices along with additional functionality for parsing data strings to display names and titles. In addition there would be some administrative functionality.
Wireframes - connect to media exploration​​​​​​​
Created a UI with multiple displays (gallery of images or thumbnails) which were more visually appealing than current TV menu or displays. The look and feel was influenced by user research and findings that we should narrow the gap in the user experience between the 10’ UI and the computer since torrenting typically involved using a computer. We also created some administrative functionality that allowed the user to manage their content and how it was displayed.
Hi-res mockups - early visual exploration​​​​​​​
10’ UI Design
Communication Skills
Leadership and Trust


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